Appley Bridge All Saints'

Welcome to Year 2!

Mr. Buckley will be in Year 2 this year and here is the place to check what we have been up to throughout the year. You will find information about the year group expectations for Year 2 as well as useful information towards the bottom about the curriculum, phonics and mental maths. The aim of this class page is to update it regularly with activities and events the children in Year 2 have been doing. 

We look forward to sharing some fun and excitement with you throughout the year...

Quick Information for Parents/Carers

 PE Kit - Our PE days are TO BE CONFIRMED. Please ensure pupils have their PE kit in school on those days. It is best to leave it in school, so it is always there. PE Kits consist of the coloured t-shirt, black or navy sports shorts and trainers with good ankle support. Staff cannot tape children's earrings so please don't send children into school wearing earrings on PE days. Kits will be sent home if they need washing or at the end of a half term. 

Homework - Homework will be set on a Tuesday to be returned the following Monday. Pupils will have 2 homework folders and will be swapping between them to give adults in school enough time to check through homework. If your child is struggling with the activities, please help them and if you are still struggling, please contact Mr. Buckley on Class Dojo.

Book Bags - Children need to send in their reading book every day. There may be times we get to read with pupils during the day and bookbags ensure children always have their reading books in school. We will also use them to send any letters home so please check them regularly. 

Please click here to view our Curriculum Intent Statement

Year 2 Curriculum Plan

If you would like to discuss the curriculum content further, please contact the class teacher.

Year 2 Knowledge Organisers

Year 2 English Curriculum Expectations



Year 2 Mathematics Curriculum Expectations


Phonics Scheme

We use the 'Letters and Sounds' scheme of work to teach phonics.


Articulation of Phonemes Video

A short video for parents showing the correct pronunciation of all phonemes taught in the 'Letters and Sounds' scheme.

A Guide for Parents- Mathematics Facts for Children to Learn in EYFS/KS1

Finch Lane, Wigan, Lancashire WN6 9DT

01257 252647