Appley Bridge All Saints'

Welcome to the Year 2 class page. Mrs Glover, Mrs Waine and Mrs Brannon  will all be working in Year 2 this year. On this page you will find information about the curriculum and year group expectations in Year 2 as well as lots of photographs of the children in and around the setting. Take a look at the updates each half term to see what the class have been getting up to.

Mrs Waine looks forward to seeing parents at open sessions on designated Fridays.

Design Technology

Year two have been enjoying cutting, peeling and chopping a range of fruit. Some of us even tried some fruits we had never tasted before!

Design Technology

Year two have been having lots of fun designing vehicles. Carefully measuring, cutting and using the hot glue gun to create our masterpieces. Watch this space for our final designs. 

Spring 1 Update

Year 2 have been very busy this half term, honing their mathematics skills. The children enjoyed getting physical in Active Maths – a great way to practise fractions!

In class, the children have been investigating shape. They used their measuring and cutting skills to make their own regular and irregular pentagons; describing the properties of each as they went along. It was harder than it looked!

It’s not all been about the work though. Who could resist playing outside on a snowy day? And who managed to build the biggest snowman?

Hope you’ve enjoyed our update and here’s to the next half term!

Year 2 Curriculum Plan

Year 2 English Curriculum Expectations



Year 2 Mathematics Curriculum Expectations


A Guide for Parents- Mathematics Facts for Children to Learn in EYFS/KS1

Phonics Scheme

We use the 'Letters and Sounds' scheme of work to teach phonics.


Articulation of Phonemes Video

A short video for parents showing the correct pronunciation of all phonemes taught in the 'Letters and Sounds' scheme.

Finch Lane, Wigan, Lancashire WN6 9DT

01257 252647