Appley Bridge All Saints'

Welcome to the Year 5 class page. Miss Clark, Mrs Stretton, Mrs Bimson and Miss Hooper will all be working in Year 5 this year. On this page you will find information about the curriculum and year group expectations in Year 5 as well as lots of photographs. Take a look at the updates each half term to see what the class have been getting up to.

DT Aprons and Tool Belts

Year 5 have had fun designing and making their own aprons and tool belts. Huge thanks to our two parent helpers Mrs Davies and Mrs Kay who gave up 5 days of their free time to come in and help.


Year 5 have enjoyed their topic on Inventions and Inventors and have created their own mechanisms. They investigated existing products then designed and made their own CAM operated toys. Take a look at some of the finished products here.

Muddy Maths Challenge- Sponsored Walk

Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed their time on the sponsored walk. Take a look at them enjoying their time in Fairy Glen.

Art-The Planets

Linked to our work on the Earth in Space the pupils in year 5 have been developing their shading skills. They have worked with graphite pencils then progressed to tinting and toning with paints. Take a look at the wonderful space themed art work which they have created. 

Science-The Planets

The children have been learning about the Earth in space and how its movements affect us. They have learnt how we get day and night and how the seasons occur. Take a look at the images of the pupils giving explanations to each other about these concepts.

RE- Ruth

The children have been learning about significant women in the old testament during our RE lessons this half term. Our most recent story was the story of Ruth and Naomi and how Ruth's small act of unconditional love and loyalty had a huge impact. The children listened to the story and considered some big questions. 

PE- Dance

The children have enjoyed taking part in their dance sessions with the PE specialist. The children have learnt routines as well as adapting them and creating their own. They have enjoyed performing their dances at the end of lessons. 

Silent Debate

The class carried out a silent debate during our English topic on historical narratives. The children asked questions about images provided then responded to questions left and other people's responses. 

Smarties Data Investigation

Following our work on data and statistics in mathematics we have carried out a Smarties investigation. The children were all provided with a box of mini smarties which they sorted by colour. They then produced frequency tables and graphs displaying their data. The children also enjoyed eating the smarties once they had finished!

Class Worship

Year 5 have thoroughly enjoyed their work on WWI. In our recent class worship they have been looking at replica copies of the St John's Gospel that was given to the soldiers during the war. The children had fantastic discussions around the books and the reasons why they soldiers may have been given them and how they would have appreciated them. 


Year 5 have been enjoying practising Hockey skills in their PE sessions. The children have been learning how to dribble the ball and complete push passes. They are looking forward to having a good game soon. 


Year 5 have been taking part in some Yoga sessions as part of their PE. The children have enjoyed the stretching exercises and learning about relaxation. 

Brass Instruments

Year 5 have been enjoying learning how to play their brass instruments this term. The children have these lessons every Friday afternoon and it is astounding the progress that they have made already! Well done year 5. Take a look at them in action below. 

Poppy Paper Making 

Year 5 enjoyed their paper making workshop during our WWI theme week. They made paper from recycled materials then added poppy designs for Remembrance. 

World War I - Community Centre Visit

Year 5 enjoyed their morning at the community centre learning all about WWI. They looked at artefacts from the War, learnt about women's roles during the war and enjoyed eating some Anzac biscuits. 

A Kingdom United

Year 5 have worked very hard this half term on their topic work. They have learnt all about the Saxons then moved onto the present day and looked at the United Kingdom. Here is a wonderful example of the high standard of work being produced by them. 

Science- Solid or Liquid?

Year 5 have been investigating what makes a solid, solid and what makes a liquid, liquid! The children had a fabulous time investigating Oobleck which is a non-Newtonian fluid!


Year 5 have been investigating the property of different materials. They made predictions in their groups, planned an investigation then carried out the investigation and wrote up their conclusions collaboratively. The children investigated how porous, flexible, strong and transparent a range of different materials were.

Anglo Saxon Day

The children in Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed their Living History day which they spent living like Anglo Saxons. The children were transported back in time, with the help of Tim Daiton from Adventure Incubator, to spend the day carrying out tasks that the Saxons would have completed in their daily lives. The children learnt about the food and resources that would have been available to the Anglo Saxons then they all tried their hand at weaving willow and using a clay and straw mix to replicate the wattle and daub technique the Saxons used to build their houses. Hunting and tactics followed the house building then the children had a go at weeding (without tools) just as Saxon children would have done. Year 5 agreed the weeding was hard work without proper equipment and not something they would want to do all day everyday! The afternoon was then spent cooking as the Saxons would have. The children chopped root vegetables and the lungs from a lamb which was then all boiled up over our fire. Each group then learnt how to start and build their own fires. We ended the day by butchering a lamb then trying our pottage stew which was met with a mixed response!


Homework will be set every Tuesday and due back the following Monday. Children will record their homework tasks themselves in their homework books. A copy of homework tasks will also be posted on this page each week. 

Tasks each week will usually comprise of: Spellings, handwriting and sentence work and times tables. It is also expected that children read every night. Sometimes longer tasks will be set to be completed over a period of weeks or tasks from subjects other than English and maths.

A record is kept in class of completed homework. If a child is late  with their homework  then they forfeit their termly ‘choice’.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries regarding homework tasks set.

Kind Regards

Helen Clark


Date Set  Date Due

Tuesday 4th June

Monday 10th June

Spellings: Practise spellings listed and write a sentence using each word. 






Mathemetics: Practise times tables for assessment in class.


History: Design a front cover for our new topic on Ancient Greece 'Higher, Faster, Stronger'.

Art: Collect images of people in action from magazines.





Year 5 Curriculum Plan

Year 5 English Curriculum Expectations



Year 5 Mathematics Curriculum Expectations


Finch Lane, Wigan, Lancashire WN6 9DT

01257 252647