Appley Bridge All Saints'

Welcome to the Year 5 class page. Mrs Harris, Miss Hooper and Mr Hunter will all be working in Year 5 this year. On this page you will find information about the curriculum and year group expectations in Year 5 as well as lots of photographs. Take a look at the updates each half term to see what the class have been getting up to.


We are enjoying our French lessons, we have been learning all about the Solar System and have now started to learn about different habitats and the weather in them. 

Active Maths

During our active maths lesson this week we have been looking at data on graphs and asking each other questions about the data.


 We have all been very lucky to have been given the chance to learn how to ride our bikes properly by Lancashire County Council Sports team. We can now ride our bikes safety on the road. 

Saxon Day

What a busy but fun day! We started by collecting the willow we needed to construct our Saxon house. Once we had collected enough it was time to start weaving (to build the main structure). After a while we were ready to start mixing mud and straw to fill the gaps, this would help to protect us from the wind and rain. We did get a bit messy but our house looked amazing. It was then then time to start preparing our food. We worked hard chopping carrots, onions and parsnips to boil into a broth with oats, once this was chopped we added some delicious pieces of lamb. After making a fire to cook it on, we all tucked into a delicious bowl of pottage, it was so tasty some of us had seconds!

Year 5 Curriculum Plan

Year 5 English Curriculum Expectations



Year 5 Mathematics Curriculum Expectations


Homework will be set every Tuesday and is due back the following Monday. Children will record their homework tasks themselves in their homework books. 
Tasks each week will usually comprise of: spellings, handwriting and sentence work, and maths. It is also expected that children read every night. Sometimes longer tasks will be set to be completed over a period of weeks or tasks from subjects other than English and maths.

Finch Lane, Wigan, Lancashire WN6 9DT

01257 252647