Appley Bridge All Saints'

Welcome to the Year 4 class page. Mrs Green and Miss Hooper will all be working in Year 4 this year. On this page you will find information about the curriculum and year group expectations in Year 4 as well as lots of photographs. Take a look at the updates each half term to see what the class have been getting up to.

University Of Central Lancashire Science Festival


Please enjoy our photograph gallery from our visit to the Science Festival. The children and staff enjoyed a really fantastic and hands on day. The children also enjoyed making their own lip balm in the lab.


 Year 4's artwork representing Katsushika Hokusai's The Great Wave off Kanagawa.

Fairtrade Fortnight

During Fairtrade fortnight year 4 have been finding out about cotton farming and how Fairtrade gives a fair price to these farmers. The children have either made a PowerPoint presentation or a poster about cotton farming.

PE - Dance

Year 4 have been learning a dance routine to the music from Bugsy Malone. They all put their heart and soul into their performances and have really enjoyed doing these routines.


Year 4 are having great fun exploring our digestive system.... a messy time was had by all! 


After yesterday's experiment our findings are:

Egg in water-The egg stayed exactly the same.

Egg coated in fluoride in water-The egg stayed the same

Egg in Vimeo-The egg was stained brown and a thick membrane could be pealed off 

Egg coated in fluoride but in Vimeo-The egg was slightly stained and a very slight membrane could be peeled off.

In conclusion, the fluoride protected the egg. The Vimto had a big impact on the egg, we should drink more water and if we do drink juice, we should brush our teeth.


We have been experimenting to see how sugar effects our teeth. We hard boiled 4 eggs and coated 2 of these in fluoride toothpaste for 24 hours. We then put 1 fluoride coated egg in Vimto and the other in water. The other 2, non coated eggs also got emerged in Vimeo and water. We left this to infuse for 24 hours....



We are learning all about teeth. What job they are used for and how to look after them. We cleaned our teeth, then used a disclosing tablet to check if we had left any plaque on our teeth. 


In science we are learning about different sound.  High sounds, low sounds. How sound travels and how our ears receive it.  We have already been on a sound walk around school to listen to different noises in different areas around school.


Lord have mercy upon us!

Year 4 has been infested with rats, their fleas are biting all the children.

This term we are learning about the great plague.  The children are using the research they did during the holidays to enhance their learning in class.  Ask them to tell you the real meaning behind the nursery rhyme 'Ring a ring of roses', it's not as pleasant as it sounds!

Year 4 Curriculum Plan

Year 4 English Curriculum Expectations



Year 4 Mathematics Curriculum Expectations



Use this website to practise your times tables.


Finch Lane, Wigan, Lancashire WN6 9DT

01257 252647